
The Monett School District is preparing for inclement weather days. Our "snow days" will look different from previous years. During the 2020-2021 school year, inclement weather will result in connected learning snow days rather than full school cancellation. Students will enhance previously learned material from home on connected learning snow days. A decision to continue with connected learning snow days or return to regular non-instruction snow days will be made based on the first two connected learning snow days' feedback.

Connected learning snow days will not be required to be made up later in the year, unless, we return to regular non-instructional snow days. 

In the event of potential inclement weather, students will be required to take their devices home the day before. We will also have paper packets and flash drives ready for students without internet access at home the same day students are required to take devices home. 

Students will not be introduced to new material on connected learning snow days, previously learned material will be reinforced. Teachers will also be available during scheduled office hours to help students via Google Meets or email. Teachers will be informing students of their office hours when devices are sent home. If students or parents are having trouble communicating with their teachers, the building administrator may be reached as well. Our goal is for students and teachers to have a positive experience with alternative methods of instruction (AMI) during inclement weather days. 

In the event of an inclement weather day, the district will use all available media to communicate effectively: 

  • A school phone call and text messages to all employees and families of each student. 
  • Information will be shared on local television stations and some radio stations. 
  • The announcement will be posted on the district website and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). 

If contact information has changed since August 2020, please ensure phone numbers are current in PowerSchool. 

Thank you, 
Monett Schools