July 1, 2020
Dear Parents,
This is an update on COVID-19 for our school district to ensure the safety of everyone entering our building. We will be working closely with the Lawrence and Barry Counties to ensure the safety of our students, teachers, and anyone entering our campuses; plans or guidelines are subject to change at any time.
We are in the process of putting together our Back-to-School plans. The admin team and superintendent will be meeting with health officials on July 9 to help finalize fall plans. We will be sending out a survey to parents soon. We look forward to hearing our parents' feedback. We will be sharing Back-to-School plans at the end of July.
As we continue to move forward with the July Summer School session, the safety and wellness of our students and staff continue to be our number one priority.
The following are health guidelines we will follow to increase the safety of students and staff:
No bus transportation for the July Summer Experience session.
Desks are being rearranged to increase space between students.
Social distancing will be practiced as much as possible or as much as we are able.
A nurse will be on campus to provide additional health support.
Sick students or staff must remain at home.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to monitor their child’s temperature and keep them home if they have 100.0 or greater.
Students will have breakfast and lunch in larger rooms or classrooms with space in between each child.
Custodians are doing extra cleaning and disinfecting.
Students will have frequent breaks to wash hands during the day.
Disinfecting stations have been installed at the main entrances and cafeteria entrances.
Water fountains will be closed. Water bottles have been provided; students may bring water bottles from home. All schools have water bottle filling stations.
Will continue to provide physical activities to meet local and state recommendations.
Students are allowed to wear masks. However, they must be provided by the parent or guardian. Mask care procedures must be taught at home.
Prohibiting the sharing of school supplies.
Due to the unique circumstance, we will not offer attendance rewards such as gift cards at the end of summer school.
Everyone entering the building, (should they choose to enter the building), should practice social distancing while in a building or on a school campus. Everyone should practice social distancing and stay 6 feet away from each other.
Parents and visitors shall wear a face mask while in the building, around other staff or around students. **Please contact your child’s school building administrator if you have a medical condition that would prevent you from wearing a face mask, prior to visiting the school campus.
Staff will wear face masks during the July Summer Experience as much as possible
If a person is alone in an office, they are not required to wear a mask unless another person visits. Give others time to put on a mask before entering an office.
All visitors entering a school building must sign in and include date and time.
Immediately wash hands or sanitize hands upon entering a building. All campuses have hand sanitizing stations - please use them.
If there are symptoms of a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, remain at home for the safety of everyone.
Our goal is to follow the guidelines from our local, state and national health departments while also helping everyone on our school campuses feel safe and comfortable.
If you have questions, feel free to call your child’s respective school office or email socialmedia@monettschools.org.
Monett R-1 Schools